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Symposium at Hospitalhof Stuttgart

11 May 2019, from 11 am
24-hour opening event
– with lectures by Grant Kester, Jeanne von Heeswijk, Bill Dietz, Tine de Moor, Sabih Ahmed, Elke Krasny, Katalin Erdodi
– and an overnight performance Sticky Stage by Discoteca Flaming Star

11 am: Introduction

11.15-12 am: Tine De Moor, Professor for “Institutions for Collective Action in Historical Perspective” at the Institute for Social and Economic History at the University of Utrecht

12-12.30: Score Performance

12.30-1.30pm: Jeanne van Heeswijk, artist and activist

1.30pm: Lunch break

2.30-3pm: Sabih Ahmed, independent researcher and curator based in New Delhi
3.-3.30pm: Katalin Erdodi, curator and researcher working in the fields of contemporary art and performance
3.30pm: Discussion

3.45-4.30: Bill Dietz, composer and writer

4.30: Scores and coffee break

6 pm: Grant Kester (via Skype), Professor of Art History in the Visual Arts department at the University of California at San Diego and the founding editor of FIELD

7 pm: Diversity Dinner

7.30pm: Elke Krasny, curator, cultural theorist, urban researcher and author

9pm: Performance Sticky Stage by Discoteca Flaming Star


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